Author Topic: Release 4.07 (Pro) is out  (Read 3865 times)


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Release 4.07 (Pro) is out
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:59:13 AM »
This release includes a number of enhancements and fixes. They are listed as usual on the Splash screen, but reproduced here for reference:
  • New look card table, showing Dealer (underlined) and clearer Vulnerability
  • Many improvements to bidding: more consistent 'forcing for 1 round' logic; weak 3 opener, doubled, no longer taken as a penalty; other minor fixes
  • Many improvements to playing: plays outright winners when beneficial in any seat (including overtaking when necessary); select partner's suit only when partner was first to lead the suit; continue defender's own suit if no better lead; other minor fixes; more play improvements planned soon
  • Option to show previous bidding and play when running a tournament game or a game you have saved. (This is in beta and only appears in the developer menu)
  • When saving a deal file, Vulnerability now defaults correctly in the 'Save' dialog. Also Dealer is handled correctly for a rotated table
  • BriJ can now read a wider variety of formats used in PBN files created by other software
  • Filename and board identity are now included when you save deal files. This information is also passed from Bluetooth Server to Client so your partner can also identify the hand
  • Space used by STOP and ALERT bids now closes up to fit very long bidding sequences into the playing space available
    When using Bluetooth, the table is now rotated automatically to the default NS positions before connecting. (This may be relaxed at a later release)
  • Honour card denominations are now translated for French-speaking users
  • BriJ Targets that you can request in the 'Aim' tab are now correctly ordered for a rotated table
Release 4 also introduced a choice of 8 bidding styles and 9 optional new conventions.